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Every year, National Alcohol Screening Day raises awareness about the harmful effects of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency. Each year on the Thursday of the first full week in April, these screens offer anonymous and confidential opportunities for those with addiction to seek help. This day is important to us as it serves as a reminder of how our dependency can affect future generations. This holiday also raises awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and helps individuals overcome their alcohol addiction.

While most people do not abuse alcohol, some do not realize the effects alcohol has on them and their lives. Others, do not realize the risks they take even when they only occasionally indulge in alcohol. Taking an alcohol screening may point out areas of concern we may not be aware of. For many, it may be the first step toward recovery. 

Alcohol abuse can lead to many recognized health problems which can include anxiety, depression, and sexual problems. Where alcohol abuse occurs over a longer period, there is an increased risk of developing certain cancers, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, and heart problems.

How Does Addiction Develop in the Brain?

Alcohol, like other drugs, has a powerful effect on the brain, producing pleasurable feelings and blunting negative feelings. These feelings can motivate some people to drink alcohol again and again, despite possible risks to their health and well-being. For example, research shows that over time, drinking to cope with stress—while it may provide temporary relief from emotional discomfort—tends to enhance negative emotional states between bouts of alcohol consumption. These changes can motivate further drinking and cause an individual to become stuck in an unhealthy cycle of alcohol consumption.

As individuals continue to drink alcohol over time, progressive changes may occur in the structure and function of their brains. These changes can compromise brain function and drive the transition from controlled, occasional use to chronic misuse, which can be difficult to control. The changes can endure long after a person stops consuming alcohol, and can contribute to relapse in drinking.

Stages of the Addiction Cycle

1. Binge/Intoxication Stage: reward, incentive salience, and pathological habits

2. Negative Affect/Withdrawal Stage: reward deficits and stress surfeit

3. Preoccupation/Anticipation Stage: craving, impulsivity, and executive function

What are the symptoms of alcoholism?

How is alcohol use disorder treated?

How to approach someone with alcohol use disorder

Step 1. Learn about alcohol use disorder

Step 2. Practice what you’re going to say

Step 3: Pick the right time and place

Step 4: Approach and listen with honesty and compassion

Step 5: Offer your support

Step 6: Intervene

Helpline for alcohol addiction


TOBACCO QUIT HELPLINE: – 1800-11-2356 or Give a missed call on 011-22901701 for registration.


Cadabam’s Anunitha: 96111 94949

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